Wednesday, February 07, 2007

in Brazil

Right, now that I´m finally in Brazil - and officially unemployed - I´ve got a bit of time to bring you all up to date on what I´ve been up to...

My last month or so in Colombia was pretty hectic, and mostly consisted of finalising things with my work and saying a series of goodbyes to people, and then finished up with a conference in Bogotá that brought together all the project´s participants from the 10 different cities of Colombia where we were working, which was good...

After that I went back to Bucaramanga for a few days, where I pretty much just bummed around, but I had a few days left before my flight to Brazil, and Bucaramanga´s a better place to be a bum than Bogotá - it´s smaller, warmer, and the beer is cheaper...

Now I´m in Brazil (where the beer is better, but more expensive), and I´ll be here till the first few days of March, so it should be a good break...


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