Monday, December 04, 2006

current plans

hey, this will just be a quick update to let you all (or at least those of you who give a toss) know what I'm likely to be up to for the next few weeks...

the current plan is to leave Bucaramanga on about the 20th of December, head to Armenia for a few days to help out my friends Victor (Chile) and Nico (Colombia) with a really interesting project that they've put together... It's basically working with poor kids to try and spread a bit of Christmas cheer, so that should be good... After that it's up to Medellin to spend Christmas with the rest of the Alcance Social interns (and whoever else comes), then to either Cali or Cartagena for New Year's Eve... If I go to Cali then I'll head to Cartagena from there, and either way I'll head from Cartagena to Santa Marta... After Santa Marta it's back down to Bucaramanga to finish up work (first few weeks of Jan), then off to Bogotá for Alcance Social's closing conference in the last week or so of January... I'll have a few days in Bogotá after the conference to say some goodbyes, then on the 2nd of Feb I'm off to Brazil for a month of doing sweet fuck all... I plan to spend most of that month on the beach and on the turps (for non-Australians, turps=piss=cans=booze=grog=sauce=ALCOHOL) ...

all good, hope that's brought people up to date... I'll add a more work-orientated post soon...

a big shout out to all, especially the funky colombian monkey (you pack of tools) ...


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