Tuesday, August 19, 2008


It seems that every time I sit down at the computer to write a blog the same thing happens - I think back on what I did and the places I went, and I find myself at a complete loss as to how I can best condense everything I'd like to write into a short, readable blog entry. If I had the desire I could sit here and roll out a long, detailed, rambling narrative about what I did each day, and the things that I liked, and the things that I didn't quite understand, but I honestly think that would be as boring as batshit. I have about as much interest in delivering such a narrative as any person who may be logged onto this page would likely have in reading it, so instead I'm just going to write a few brief recollections of my time in Denmark and leave it at that.

Denmark was nice; Joel and myself were generously hosted by our friend Nis in Aarhus and by Joel's friend Ditte in Copenhagen. I was again lucky to have friendly locals looking after me and showing me around, because it meant that instead of spending my nights in backpacker places full of drunken tourists I was able to meet some local people and experience how warm Danes can be (despite - or perhaps in spite of - their freezing cold summer weather).

From Copenhagen Joel flew off to London en route to South East Asia, and I got a plane east to Finland, where I've been for just over a week... I'm currently in Turku, where my friend Shayne (the one whose wedding was the excuse for this trip) lives; I'm quite enjoying the place, so I think I'll stay here until Friday when I have to fly back to Sydney via Hong Kong...


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