Monday, October 16, 2006

First few days in Colombia

My first few days in Bogota went something like this:

Thursday night (28/10/06): arrived at the airport where I was received by people from AIESEC (the organisation that's oganising the project I'll be working with). They then took me to a guy called Felipe's place, who was my host for the first few days. That night I went out with Felipe and some friends of his to a bar nearby, where I had my first taste of aguadiente, which is a spirit made from cane and flavoured with aniseed. In bars you buy it by the bottle then just serve yourself shots, so it can fuck you up pretty quick!!!

Friday: Felipe showed me round downtown Bogota, and we took a cable car to the top of Monserrate, which is about 3000m above sea level (Bogota is about 2500m), which gives a pretty awesome view of the city. We then walked around the old part of the city (La Candelaria), where we drank a chicha, which is a homemade drink made by fermenting fruit or maize in sugar - the right combination can be pretty nasty, and it's one of those bastard drinks that gets you drunk from the toes up, so you don't realise how smashed you are till you try and get up and walk out the door!!

Saturday was a bit more tourism, then a night out at a salsa bar so I could practice my dance steps...

On Sunday it was time to stop playing tourist, cause it was time to go to the hotel where all the participants of the project would be staying for the first week... The first afternoon was just a meet and greet and pretty relaxed. It was a good chance to get to know the other people that'll be working in the project (25 people from 12 countries - 10 Colombians and 15 internationals, who'll work in groups of two of three in 10 different cities around Colombia).

To sum up the first few days: it was great to have a look around Bogota and meet some great people... and a massive thanks to Felipe for being an awesome host...


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