Thursday, October 12, 2006

The flight and Argentina

Hey, this is the first entry I've made since I've been away, so I'm going to have to backtrack a little bit...

I left Sydney at about 9am on 26 September, then spent the best part of a day in a plane somewhere above the Pacific Ocean en route to Buenos Aires...

Buenos Aires: I was in Buenos Aires for about a week in 2003 (I think it was 2003...), and to be honest, not much has changed... The peso has lost a bit of ground on the dollar, which I'm assuming accounts for the ridiculous amount of bad mullets around the place (no money = less to spend on haircuts), although what they don't spend on haircuts they seem to spend on cigarettes, which are everywhere... Maradonna is a God, and so's Che Guevara (don't bother trying to debate either - turns out the rules of soccer actually DO allow for the ball to go off the attacker's hand and be counted as a goal) ... It's a very European-looking city compared to other parts of Latin America I've been to, and it was nice to spend a day or so walking around... The best bit for me was the Recoleta Cemetery, where all the really rich and important people in Buenos Aires move when they die. It's huge, and is more like a little town than a cemetery... The monuments are as tall as 20 feet, and you feel like you're walking through well maintained suburban streets, not a graveyard... Actually, I reckon the rich of Buenos Aires live better in the next world than most of the rest of the population do in this one...

After a day and two nights in central Buenos Aires I got the bus back out to the airport to get my plane to Bogota, which will be the next post...

Oh yeah, a tip for anyone planning on going to Buenos Aires: Ignore all the taxi drivers at the airport offering you a good value taxi fare to the centre of the city - the fares they offer are reasonable, but there is a local bus (#86) that goes into town for about five percent of what you'll pay the taxi driver...


Blogger Jess said...

Yay for updates! I hope you're having an awesome time - looking forward for more news.

4:59 am  

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